Gabby and her friends are back for season 5! The popular live-action/animated hybrid preschool series from DreamWorks Animation, Gabby’s Dollhouse, comes to Netflix on 25 July with eight all-new episodes. The show follows Gabby as she unboxes a surprise before jumping into a fantastical animated world full of adorable cat characters that live inside her magical dollhouse.
In the new season, things are getting teeny-tiny at Gabby’s Dollhouse as Gabby, and her kitty crew works together to get each other out of some sparkly, swirly, and sometimes sticky situations! Gabby and Pandy visit the Cat-osphere to rescue CatRat from planet Caturn. Cakey works his baking magic to free the Gabby Cats from an overgrown cupcake tree, and a mystery leads to a game of dollhouse detectives. Cat-O-Ween gets everyone in the spooky spirit, complete with Baby Box’s Cat-o-Lanterns. Quirky Cat Bop, cat-tastic crafts, and a growth mindset make Gabby’s Dollhouse an a-meow-zing adventure!
Gabby’s Dollhouse is a hit with kids on Netflix Family! It is easy to see why. The series is confidence boosting, bursting with creativity and a cast of lovable characters. We are so happy to be getting more of Gabby’s Dollhouse this summer! This show is a great teaching tool for children. Kids will learn about working together, learning from mistakes, solving problems, and being reliable for each other. Plus the music is so fun and catchy!