Directed by visionary Tony®-winner Diane Paulus and based on the critically-acclaimed Academy Award® winning film, FINDING NEVERLAND tells the incredible story behind one of the world’s most beloved characters: Peter Pan. Playwright J.M. Barrie struggles to find inspiration until he meets four young brothers and their beautiful widowed mother. Spellbound by the boys’ enchanting make-believe adventures, he sets out to write a play that will astound London theatergoers. With a little pixie dust and a lot of faith, Barrie takes a monumental leap, leaving his old world behind for Neverland, where nothing is impossible and the wonder of childhood lasts forever. The magic of Barrie’s classic tale springs spectacularly to life in this heartwarming theatrical event.
This show will be playing at The National Theatre from Feb. 26 – Sunday, March 3 Run time: Approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes, including one intermission. Recommended for age 7 and up. Stay tuned for a giveaway coming up on our Facebook page!
For Family Night only, buy one ticket, get one ticket free with code PAN1 (excludes premium seats). The fun begins before the show in the Helen Hayes lounge with photo opportunities with Peter Pan and Wendy, as well as coloring stations, starting at 6:30pm!