Let’s face it, we all like to make sure our kids’ first day or first few days are perfect. By perfect I mean lunches made, homework done, no one yelling, “I need my folder!” as you close the door, and no one eating a pop tart for breakfast. We like to start our kids off on a good note, but why not keep it there? Why not maintain the level of organization, planning, and readiness all year just as well as you do the first week. I have a few simple, relatively easy things you can do to make you and your child’s year run smoothly, like a well orchestrated machine! Check out these great ideas and the how-to thanks to some of my fellow bloggers 🙂
1-Lay everything out ahead of time
Lay your child’s clothes, uniforms, underwear, shoes and whatever else they might wear the next day out the night before. We always do this. Looking for matching socks in the morning and missing shoes drives me crazy. Eliminate that stress and have it ready to go first thing in the am. Some parents even lay their child’s clothes out for the week! The night before to the week before, both are very helpful and will save you time!
2-Prepare breakfast and lunches ahead of time
We almost always make our lunches the night before. A few of my friends will cut up all of their fruit and veggies for the week so they are ready to toss in the lunch box. Even if you can’t plan and prepare that far in advance, anyone can make the lunches the night before. I also have some prepared ahead of time breakfast foods ready. My older kids can heat the food up themselves, but it also only takes a minute to do so myself. We make egg mc-muffins ahead of time, sausage, muffins, and smoothie mixes. All things that will store in the fridge for the week and just need a minute or two to prep.
3-Create a homework station
This can cause a war in my house! Whose pencil is whose, I can’t find a ruler, and on and on. Get a container from the Dollar Store or Target and stock it up. You can even do one for each kid! Stock it up with everything and anything they might need. When it comes time for homework, you can get right to it instead of trying to find the items your child needs.
4- Go through backpacks right after school
We take this approach so that nothing is forgotten or left out. All folders are signed, homework is started, backpacks get emptied and ready for the next day.
5- Use a chart or checklist
The world of Pinterest has you covered. You can print cute check lists for yourself or your kids to stay on top of everything. You can find editable ones, too! This way your child can check off homework, chores, get clothes out for next day, study, all by themselves. This teaches responsibility and organization; two essential skills for all kids to learn. Set these out by the homework station, on the fridge, or somewhere they can be seen and used!
For more organizing Tips & Tricks, follow me on Pinterest. Good luck to all of you magnificent moms and dads out there! Here’s to a great school year!